Saturday, November 1, 2008

Today today!

Wow, just had to write today was a very busy day! This morning I got up at 8, got dressed and went to my hair appointment (which I just love doing) and came home to everyone still in jammies! After a few moments of laziness, we all got dressed and headed for the great outdoors. We decided this weekend was going to be the best to get everything picked up for the year. We raked leaves for Logan to jump in, put away outdoor toys and burned our yard trash (just leaves and grass, old dead flowers). We were at it from noon until after six this evening raking, cutting, piling, burning and sweeping. We got our halloween decorations down and are all buckled down for the winter to come.

This evening I checked the mail and my favorite magazine came: Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! This magazine has been my no fail savior throughout nursing school because there are so many topics on things that are covered. The topic though, for Nov/Dec is what caught my eye...Cervical Cancer. What are the chances of reading an actual issue I'm facing! So I read the 6 page article and was impressed. I already knew everything that was in there, but it's good to read another NURSE'S perspective.

The inlaws came in this evening, and they got pizza while I got my fill of Chipotle. I had to have it because, well, cravings during the week before "that time of the month" are a pain! And we just had pizza Thursday and I can't eat that much in 2 days.

Now we are all down for the night. Logan's pooped out in her bed, Sadie is curled up in her favorite chair, and Bill's schnoozin' away.

I love good, productive family days like this.

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