Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Comforts from the doctor.

Today I returned the call from my OBGYN. I have an appointment next Tuesday, 9/30 at 3:30 for my procedure, called a LEEP proceedure. At the appointment he was going to discuss the results of the u/s and of the pap but I needed in today because I was in unrelenting pain.

The reason I just love my OB...he's very calming. Maybe it's the Yellow Springs in him, but he's mellow, and of course in medicine that's a must...but not many docs have this gift. He calmly explained the cyst shown on the u/s from last week had ruptured (thank GOOOOOODNESSSSS!!!!!) but that the results of the pap are of concern and we must take care of that soon. Of course the good Doctor stressed must because I often will put things off. I put off a repeat u/s. I put off my pap smears for 3-5 years at a time. Well, I'm no longer a health procrastinator. I think he feared I'd cancel my LEEP and not do it and this precancerous shit would grow out of control. Nope...negative. I am going to show up for that appointment and will from here on out follow up on ever exam, test, repeat no matter what. At the time I will have the LEEP done, I will also have my IUD taken out. No more birth control for me. Why? We want another baby.


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